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Showing posts from February, 2020

Best skin care tips for oily and acne prone skin

Best skin care tips for oily and acne prone skin Written by: Supriya Mandrupkar Handling oily and acne prone skin is tricky. You need to be really choosy with the products that you use and consistent with the skin care routine. Skip CTM a day and a pesky pimple on the cheek the very next day... But with these pro tips you will be equipped to keep them at the bay. In this article I will share best skin care routine for oily skin that actually works and some of the best ranked products for oily skin care...  So here we go... 1. Clean face twice with a mild cleanser  When you have that annoying pimple on your face, the last thing you need on face is dirt , oil and grime. So always clean the face twice with a mild cleanser and lukewarm water to keep it clean and healthy. But make sure you don't overdo it, else it will dry out the skin and to compensate the dryness the skin will produce more and more oil... We don't want that... So clean but never strip all the natural